Suprelle Blue…now available for textile development.
Make a statement in sustainability by partnering with us to make fabric for bedding, bath, mattress tickings, throws, rugs and more.
It is estimated that up to 10 million tons of plastic waste enters the ocean from coastal communities each year.
Plastic bags, bottles and other plastic accumulate forming huge patches of waste. Waves of plastic waste are rolling on our beaches. In the ocean, plastic pollution impacts sea turtles, whales, seabirds, fish, coral reefs, and countless other species and habitats. Marine and bay areas are increasingly becoming less viable environments for humans and animals alike.
If we don’t take action now, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050.
Add four durable functions to our filament or staple yarn:
Triple Cross Section
Moisture Management
The unique modified triple cross section more than doubles the surface area of each filament compared to standard polyester.
The multichannel structure creates a capillary system allowing fast moisture distribution within the fabrics.
The polymer is modified with Quat-Silane molecules which creates a microscopic needle on the surface.
As a microbe comes in contact with that surface, it will be electrically neutralized. Suprelle Blue does not contain any silver ions.
Biodegradability of Suprelle Blue fiber is achieved by using an additive that allows microbes like bacteria and fungi to settle on the fiber surface and destroy the polymer structure without producing harmful or noxious residues. This reduces plastic pollution in the environment. During biodegradation, the final decomposition products are biogas, carbon dioxide and methane.
Dope dyeing (also called solution dyeing) is done with direct introduction of dye into the melted polymer during the filament spinning process.
The colored, hot mass is pressed though the spinnerettes and filaments are formed where no additional cleaning process is needed.
“Our filament yarns and staple fibers bring Suprelle technology, innovation and sustainability into fabrics. You can now combine Suprelle fluff with Suprelle fabric for products that don’t compromise on comfort.”
Get in touch.
Learn more about our latest offering under the popular Suprelle Blue collection.
Drop us a line to set up a time talk.